フランス、パリで活躍するメタルバンド「Emo – Roïd」が歌うヴィーガニズムの曲があります。

タイトルは「Your Satisfaction」(あんたの満足)



Hey you How does it feel? ヘイ、どう感じる?
For your own pleasure you’re ready to kill 喜びのためにあんたは殺しをしようとしている
Hey you What you gonna do now ヘイ、今何をしようとしている
On your plate it’s a fucking crime 皿の上には犯罪がある
Humiliation , It’s an old kind of torture 恥だ、古臭い拷問だ
Segregation , No one has to suffer 差別だ、誰も苦しむ必要はない
Assassination , Watch this blood on your hands 暗殺だ、この血をみてみろ
Your satisfaction , Because of you ,it never ends あんたの満足、あんたのせいでいつまでも終わらない
Your Satisfaction あんたの満足




Hey you How does it feel?
For your own pleasure you’re ready to kill
Hey you What you gonna do now
On your plate it’s a fucking crime

Can you watch yourself in the mirror
And forget this horror
I can’t accept your behavior
Your hunger makes me angry
You show no mercy
Every life’s precious bon appetit

Millions, no billions Are slaughtered every day
It’s too much for me do not take part in it
It takes time to change but
Stop ending their life through your butt

Humiliation , It’s an old kind of torture
Segregation , No one has to suffer
Assassination , Watch this blood on your hands
Your satisfaction , Because of you ,it never ends
Your Satisfaction

Hey you How does it taste ?
You make me full of hate
Hey you Tell me what’s your problem
Are you a fucking human

Yet there are so many opportunities
Even better for your minds and bodies
If you want a solution to stop this addiction
Stay strong build motivation

It’s not a heresy, who’s the heretic
It’s unbelievable ,it’s simply ethical
It’s a new evolution, believe in it
Don’t let them finish in your shit

Open your eyes It’s a fucking genocide
You have to Realize
No one deserve to die

Published On: 2018/02/04


* 必須項目です
